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KeyChain Documentation


KeyChain is a standalone app for signing transactions and generating key pairs. It stores private keys in an isolated environment where no logger, debugger or spyware can intercept them because of the three-layer security protecting each action of the system. KeyChain supports transactions from and to various blockchains, including Ethereum and Ethereum classic, Litecoin, Bitcoin, Bitcoin Cash, and Bitshares.


Download and install KeyChain for macOS. Windows and Linux installers are coming soon.

Try out KeyChain on the demo page.

After installation, connect to the demo-page: http://localhost:16384/ to check if the installation was successful and to test the KeyChain commands. In case everything went well, you will see the following page and you will be able to see responses to the commands in the "Response" box when you click on them.


If you are having trouble connecting to the page, contact us and we will do our best to help you.

Below you can find comprehensive installation guides for macOS, Windows, Linux.

Getting started

After you have installed KeyChain for macOS, you can start using it with web3. Just install the keychain.js library from this source and follow these simple steps (see the right panel in javascript).

If you launch KeyChain for the first time, you need to get a public key with the "select_key" command. You can save the public key to local storage. Then you will not need to use "select_key" command again.

NB: Do not forget to install the library and require it:

1) Install the library npm install keychain.js

2) Use an overridden web3 function

Now you can turn to the right panel where you use an overridden web3 function.

//go to javascript
const { Keychain, KeychainWeb3 } = require('keychain.js');
const Web3 = require('web3');
const web3 = new Web3('YOUR_API_URL'); //
const tx = {
  to: '0xE8899BA12578d60e4D0683a596EDaCbC85eC18CC',
  value: 100,
  gas: 21000
const keychain = new Keychain();
const keychainWeb3 = new KeychainWeb3(keychain, web3);
  .then(publicKey => keychainWeb3.signTransaction(tx, publicKey))
  .then(result => web3.eth.sendSignedTransaction(result.rawTransaction));

Run tests

If you wish to see KeyChain in action, install KeyChain, then install the library from this source and import key to the key_data folder.

1) Add key to your key_data:

2) npm run test



If you have questions or enquiries about KeyChain, please do not hesitate to contact us:

If you want to report a security issue, include the word "security" in the subject field.

We take security issues very seriously and we'll be looking forward to hearing from you. We hope you enjoy using KeyChain!


MIT License

Copyright (c) 2018 KeyChain

Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:

The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.



Sign a transaction



JSON Request

  "command": "sign_trx",
    "transaction": "871689d060721b5cec5a010080841e00000000000011130065cd1d0000000000000000",
    "blockchain_type": "array",
    "public_key": "62826b9c7b6bbfcd89456c1e8068e141d6a46b2c1c0166ed25ba8ad6ede320f4454ff116d13f4e679e8224fcca49f49d50c279ed88513a1db7185946e26811ab01",
    "unlock_time": 45 
//go to json

Query parameters

Parameter Type Description
transaction hex string Hex representation of the transaction.
blockchain_type enumeration string Inserts the name of blockchain you’re using. Possible options: array, bitcoin, ethereum, bitshares.
public_key hex string 64-byte public key in hex format
unlock_time integer This parameter is experimental and optional! If this parameter is defined and if it is greater than zero, it unlocks the key for a set number of seconds. While the key is unlocked, the transactions will be signed without the user's approval.

Response format

Response example

//go to json
Field name Type Description
result hex string 65-byte signature in hex string format.

Sign hash of transaction

This request is suited best for advanced users who are eager to work on a low level. You should have knowledge of how to calculate hash of transaction, given the type of blockchain, and know the type of signature and its packaging.



JSON Request

  "command": "sign_hash",
    "sign_type": "VRS_canonical",
    "hash": "fe5e4a8974715e20f47c8bb609547c9e66b0b9e31d521199b3d8d6af6da74cb1",
    "public_key": "a7aea4bd112706655cb7014282d2a54658924e69c68f5a54f2cd5f35c6fcba9b610d6ae8549f960ae96e23ffc017f305c1d8664978c8ba8a1cc656fd9d068ef5"
//go to json

Query parameters

Parameter Type Description
sign-type enumeration string Customizes the way secp256 library is used by choosing one of its arguments through sign-type parameter. It has two possible value options: RSV_noncanonical and VRS_canonical. Default value is RSV_noncanonical. Prefix RSV/VRS means signature struct: [R, S, v] or [v, R, S].
hash hex string Hash calculated from the transaction. It can be the result of the first calculation or the second - depending on the type of the blockchain. For example, Bitcoin uses two calculations: to sign a bitcoin transaction you need to transmit the final (second) hash. Ethereum and Array make only one calculation to get the hash.
public_key hex string 64-byte public key in hex format

Response format

Response example

//go to json
Field name Type Description
result hex string 65-byte signature in hex format.

Select a key



JSON Request

  "command": "select_key"
//go to json

Query parameters


Response format

64-byte public key. The length of the public key depends on the type of the blockchain. For example, in Ethereum, the length of a public key is 64 bytes.

Response example

//go to json
Field name Type Description
result hex string 64-byte public key.

Lock all unlocked keys

This command protects you from any hostile intervention into the KeyChain while you have left your computer without supervision.



JSON Request

  "command": "lock"
//go to json

Query parameters


Response format

Response example

//go to json
Field name Type Description
result bool bool result.

Unlock private key

Unlock your key when you are ready to use it.



JSON Request

  "command": "unlock"
    "public_key": "a7aea4bd112706655cb7014282d2a54658924e69c68f5a54f2cd5f35c6fcba9b610d6ae8549f960ae96e23ffc017f305c1d8664978c8ba8a1cc656fd9d068ef5",
    "unlock_time": 45
//go to json

Query parameters

Parameter Type Description
public_key hex string 64-byte public key in hex format
unlock_time integer When this parameter is specified, it unlocks the key for a set number of seconds. While the key is unlocked, the pass entry window will not appear and the transactions will be signed without the user's approval.

Response format

Response example

//go to json
Field name Type Description
result bool bool result.

KeyChain version details

You can request the details of the current KeyChain version you are using.



JSON Request

//go to json

Query parameters


Response format

Response example

    "version":"0.9.114","git_revision_sha":"59861769dca634d08d5442cb0074d40d8f544e66","git_revision_age":"9 minutes ago","compile_date":"compiled on Dec 12 2018 at 08:11:44","boost_version":"1.66","openssl_version":"OpenSSL 1.1.1  11 Sep 2018","build":"linux 64-bit"
//go to json
Field name Type Description
result json object version details as a json object with the following parameters.
version string number of the current version.
git_revision_sha string hash of the commit.
git_revision_age string age of the commit.
compile_date string time of compilation.
boost_version string required version of the boost library.
openssl_version string required openssl version.
build string required operating system.

KeyChain version number

You can request the number of the current version you are using.



JSON Request

//go to json

Query parameters


Response format

Response example

//go to json
Field name Type Description
result string current version number which has the form of "[major].[minor].[build number]".

Installation guides


System requirements

How to install

Download KeyChain and follow the steps of the graphic installer.

1 Click "next" to start installation

2018-12-13 19 42 06

2 Accept the terms of the License Agreement

2018-12-13 19 42 08

3 Choose a folder and click "next"

2018-12-13 19 42 10

4 Click "install" for installation to start

2018-12-13 19 42 13

5 You will need to authorize the installation


6 Wait until the setup is complete

2018-12-13 19 42 24

7 Congratulations! You have installed KeyChain


Check if KeyChain is installed

After installation, connect to the demo-page: http://localhost:16384/ to check if the installation was successful and to test the KeyChain commands. In case everything went well, you will see the following page and you will be able to see responses to the commands in the "Response" box when you click on them.



Windows installer will be accessible at v.1.0.

We are passionate about KeyChain and seek to make it as soon as possible, so that you could enjoy its wonderful features on any operating system you like.

System requirements


Linux installer will be accessible soon.

We are passionate about KeyChain and seek to make it as soon as possible, so that you could enjoy its wonderful features on any operating system you like.

System requirements

Sign an Ethereum transaction

Here you can find an instruction on how to sign an Ethereum transaction with KeyChain.

On this demo page you can try out signing Ethereum transactions with KeyChain.

Step-by-step guide

1. Install KeyChain for macOS

Download KeyChain installer for macOS.

2. Request public key

Start with the command wscat -c ws://localhost:16384/

Select a key

  "command": "select_key"
//go to json

3. Get the address

The address can be calculated from the public key.

Get address from public key

//go to javascript
const ethUtil = require('ethereumjs-util');
const publicKey = 'YOUR_PUBLIC_KEY';
const fromAdd = ethUtil.publicToAddress(publicKey).toString('hex');

4. Make a transaction

Now you can transfer money to the address corresponding to the public key.

In case you work with ropsten -

5. Check the balance

Check the balance of the address - it should have enough ether for a successful transfer.

Check balance

//go to javascript

6. Sign transaction

You can now use the key that you have generated to sign a transaction.

You can find an example of the code here.

7. Check Etherscan


screen shot 2018-11-30 at 19 19 52

WebSocket API

KeyChain contains a WebSocket API. This API can be used to stream information from a KeyChain instance to any client that implements WebSockets. Implementations in different languages:

Install KeyChain for macOS.

Demo pages in JavaScript

For testing the KeyChain commands

For signing transactions

Message format

For example, here is a request for requesting the current version:

//go to json

Each WebSocket API message is a json serialized object containing a command with the corresponding parameters.

For full comprehensive descriptions of the commands, acceptable parameters and values, go to the Protocol.

WebSocket integration guide

NodeJS integration example

The following will show the usage of websocket connections.

We make use of the wscat application available via npm:

//go to javascript
$ npm install -g wscat

A simple call would take the form:

//go to javascript
$ wscat -c ws://

Successful Calls

The API will return a properly JSON formated response carrying the same id as the request to distinguish subsequent calls.

//go to json


In case of an error, the resulting answer will carry an error attribute and a description in human-readable format:

{"error":"Error: keyfile could not be found by public_key"}
//go to json

JavaScript integration example

Before you proceed with the integration, you need to install KeyChain for macOS.

Test in the web

After installing KeyChain, open the browser and connect to the demo page via http://localhost:16384/.

When the connection is established, you will see the following KeyChain page. If you click on one of the commands on the left panel, you will see its json request and response in the white boxes below:


Test from a terminal application:

You can see if the installation was successful by going to the terminal app, opening KeyChain and trying one of the commands that you can take from the Protocol:

c:\Users\User-1>cd "C: Program Files\WsKeychain" c:\Program Files\WSKeychain>keychain {"command":"version"}

A successful response will take the following format:

Response format

Response example

//go to json
Field name Type Description
result string current version number which has the form of "[major].[minor].[build number]".

Build a page that connects to WebSocket

Here you will find an example of how to build a web-page that connects to WebSocket.

Save this to the folder where you will be running the websocket command.

Open this page via localhost: http://localhost:16384/

You can find the code for the demo page and the page itself up in the Demo pages in JavaScript section.

Pipe API

KeyChain has an I/O stream (pipe) integration option. Interaction with KeyChain through pipes requires a terminal application as an input module that sends requests (STDIN) to the security layer that shows you the details of your request. When you approve the request through an interative gialogue window, the request goes back through the signing module and gives you an answer (STDOUT).

For detailed description of the process, see Three security layers section.

Message format

Each Pipe API message is a json serialized object containing a command with the corresponding parameters.

For full comprehensive descriptions of the commands, acceptable parameters and values, go to the Protocol.

Pipe integration guide

Before you proceed with the integration, you need to install KeyChain for macOS.

When the installation is complete, you can open stream input to start sending json requests through STDIN - STDOUT pipes.

Sign transaction
const { spawn } = require('child_process');
const path = require('path');
const keychain = spawn(path.join(__dirname, 'keychain'));
const queue = [];

const sendCommand = (command, callback) => {

keychain.stdout.on('data', data => {

sendCommand({command: 'select_key'}, response => {
  const selectedKey = response.result;
  console.log('Selected key: ', selectedKey);
  const signCommand = {
    command: 'sign_trx',
    params: {
      transaction: 'eb0885098bca5a00825208948ec6977b1255854169e5f9f8f163f371bcf1ffd287038d7ea4c6800080038080',
      blockchain_type: 'ethereum',
      public_key: selectedKey,

  sendCommand(signCommand, response => console.log('Sign result: ', response));

For descriptions of all the commands and parameters, see KeyChain Protocol.

Restore your keys with master key

KeyChain allows its users to restore their keys using a master key.

If you have lost or forgotten one of your public keys, you can restore it in the Key Manager by entering your seed phrase that you get when creating your first key. KeyChain will derive your keys from the master key.


NB: restoring keys is impossible without a seed phrase

Memorize your seed when you create your first key


The seed is created after KeyChain collects entropy data to protect the master key.

KeyChain starts collecting entropy data when it has checked whether the user who downloaded KeyChain has any keys at their disposal. The process which leads to launching the Entropy window can be described as the following UML diagram:


Step 1: Collecting entropy data


Step 2: Displaying the seed

seed phrase

KeyChain security

About KeyChain security

Choosing a means of storing keys is an important and responsible task that everybody needs to address when considering making transactions - irrespective of the type of blockchain they use. That is why here we show you the detailed structure of our KeyChain - so that your choice of key storage is an informed decision based on real knowledge of what stands behind the system.

How KeyChain ensures safe key storage

KeyChain encrypts private keys using AES256 algorithm and stores the keys in an isolated environment that is protected with three security layers.

AES256 was first adopted by the U.S. government and now is used worldwide as a secure and reliable way of protecting information. It stands for Advanced Encryption Standard which handles 256-bit keys. This is a symmetric encryption algorithm that creates an output (ciphertext) from the input (plaintext) in 14 rounds which involve several steps of encryption. These steps combine the procedures of other symmetric encryption algorithms: substitution cipher with a reference table, adding round key, shifting rows, and mixing columns - all performed multiple times.

OS-specific KeyChain security

Unix-like operating systems

For Linux, we use a unique mechanism created by our team.

Typically, Linux offers the following algorithm of interacting with the user:

1) Client app = > connects => to X-server

2) Client app => sends some X-proto specified commands => X-server receives the commands => X-server renders an interface window

3) User enters a passphrase into the window => X-server catch the passphrase from the user => sends X-proto commands to the client => client app processes the passphrase from the user

However, around 1984, at the time when X11 was created, there existed no such task as performing secure operations via the Internet. The developers of X11 did not set out to protect the user’s data from someone capturing it. Even now, there is still no real mechanism against this kind of attack. To solve the problem of protecting the data, we have decided to look past the standard solutions. Instead of receiving a passphrase from a user through the X-server, we have chosen to receive the passphrase from the keyboard driver. This serves as a shortcut that allows KeyChain to work without connecting to the X-server, thus minimizing the risk of someone stealing the passphrase.

Therefore, now instead of the following sequence…

… we have:

The shorter the path, the fewer weak points can be found. We exclude the weakest link (X-server) from the process of entering the passphrase. Thus, for the third party to compromise the passphrase, they will need to intercept it right at the keyboard level, which requires to have root access and hence makes it almost impossible.

You might be asking yourself: if KeyChain functions without connecting to the X-server, why does the user see the dialogue window?

The answer is simple and is motivated by our concern with the user experience. Working through the command line is rather inconvenient for most people. That is why we use an emulator program that imitates the process of inputting the passphrase by receiving events from the KeyChain daemon. Note that no secret data goes into the emulator – like a mirror that only reflects light without absorbing any of it. This allows KeyChain to minimize the risks to the minimum.


Users of Windows 10 Enterprise Edition can benefit from a new security feature - Isolated User Mode (IUM). It employs a set of modes called Virtual Trusted Levels (VTL) to run processes separately, without accessing each other’s memory. We launch KeyChain on VTL1 (SecureMode). Any malware that is launched on VTL0 (NormalMode) does not have access to KeyChain. The mechanism of isolating the kernels is executed as a Windows OS process. Learn more about IUM processes here.

To ensure secure passphrase entry, Windows Vista/7/8 and Windows 10 (not Enterprise Edition) use a mechanism similar to the one used for User Access Control (UAC). In particular, UAC is used at a program setup to avoid giving a malware access to the system context.

KeyChain gets access to the system environment when it is being installed. A malware can only access the user context (unless it is installed in the system as a service). The processes that are launched in the user context do not have access to the applications that are launched in the isolated context.Hence, a malware cannot get access to KeyChain data because of the mechanism of separating the access between the levels of the OS. For more information, please refer to Microsoft documentation.


macOS has in innate security mechanism that does not allow any other program to interfere with a process if it was not the one that started it. Therefore, all we needed to do was to take care of the intermediary step that takes place at the passphrase entry on the keyboard. That is why we incorporated the EnableSecureEventInput function that provides a means for a process to protect sensitive data from being intercepted by other processes. Learn more on the Apple developers portal.

Three security layers of KeyChain

diagram keychain fin 1

Apps or websites send requests to the KeyChain through two types of communication - standard I/O streams (mostly called pipes), and the WebSocket. The architecture of the KeyChain software consists of the three independent layers:

  1. API layer which integrates with your app, website or any external application. It is language-neutral. The protocol for the terminal application operates with the JSON format in synchronous request/response way. The main function of the API layer is to transmit and parse commands for given API. Each request carries information about commands, the type of key user wants to use to sign transactions and other relevant parameters which you can find in the Protocol.

  2. Security layer receives the commands from the API layer and acts as an OS-specific protection mechanism for the interface window (third layer). It serves as a shield from potential attacks at sensitive data and information. Security layer is tailored for the Mac OS, Linux, and Windows OS and operates only with permitted files (through admin access). The request, transmitted to the Signing module which holds the private keys, works simultaneously with the Secured input module that uses OS-specific mechanism. The Secured input module protects the passphrase from key grabbers and malware.

  3. Representation layer is the UI window which notifies the user about the details of transactions and necessary actions. The interface window is initiated from Security layer. Once the user inputs the correct passphrase, it sends the permission to the Signing module to unlock the demanded key. Passphrase input field is protected by the secured input module. Security layer decrypts the given key with the correct passphrase entered by the user. In this instance Signing module can operate with the open private key, for example it can extract information, sign transactions, therefore responding to given requests.

Useful links

This page contains links to the scholarly and publicistic sources that we find useful concerning KeyChain.


Error Handling

In case of an error, the resulting answer will carry an error attribute and the code of an error together with other parameters listed below. When you receive an error code, you can look the error up in the table.

All errors have the following format:

see the right panel

"code": ..error code number.. ,
"name": ..error name.. ,
"message": ..description.. ,
[{"level":"error","file": ..file name.. ,"line": ..line number.. ,"method": of the function from the source code which carries the error.. ,"timestamp": ..exact time of the error.. },
{"level":"error","file":..file name.. ,"line": ..line number.. ,"method": of the function from the source code which carries the error.. ,"timestamp": ..exact time of the error.. }]
//go to json

Exception codes

KeyChain exceptions

Error code Error name Comment
1 json_parse_error_code error in json format of rpc command
2 rpc_command_parse_code error while parsing the structure of rpc command (invalid set of fields or invalid value type)
3 command_not_implemented_code command is not implemented
4 command_depreciated_code command is depreciated
5 invalid_arg_exception_code invalid command arguments: occurs in case a parameter's type or value was passed incorrectly
6 privkey_not_found_code private key could not be found by this keyname
7 privkey_invalid_unlock_code cannot unlock private key: occurs when the user provided a wrong password from a private key
8 password_input_error_code error while getting password: all the other errors that occur while receiving a password from a user
9 internal_error_code some unspecified internal error: might occur if there are errors in the program. If you get this error, it is advisable to contact support.

Internal errors

Error code Error name
10 parse_error_exception_code
11 timeout_exception_code
12 file_not_found_exception_code
13 key_not_found_exception_code
14 bad_cast_exception_code
15 assert_exception_code
16 encryption_error_code
17 null_optional_code
18 overflow_code
19 underflow_code
20 divide_by_zero_code
21 out_of_range_exception_code
22 eof_exception_code

Third party exceptions

Error code Error name Comments
23 std_exception_code for std::exceptions (3rd party): standard exceptions that occurred in the third party components
24 unhandled_exception_code for unhandled 3rd party exceptions: all the other exceptions that occurred in the third patry components

Error example

Parsing error - the command was incorrect.

Error format

Field name Type Description
error json object error specifics
code integer error code number
name string error name
message string description of the error starting at the lower level where it occured and showing the higher level
trace list of arrays trace of the error, starting from the lower level and moving to the higher levels

JSON example

"message":"Parse Error: invalid index '123' in enum 'keychain_app::command_te' => cannot parse command",
{"level":"error","file":"keychain.cpp","line":90,"method":"keychain_app::keychain::operator ()","timestamp":"2018-12-25T16:38:41"}]
//go to json

Log files

If you are experiencing any trouble working with KeyChain, here you can find locations of the log files:

For macOS and Linux:


For Windows:

Win10: %USERPROFILE%\AppData\Local\Keychain\Logs

where %USERPROFILE% is a user's folder, e.g. C:\Users\Alice

Win7: %SystemRoot%\Logs\Keychain\Logs

where %SystemRoot% — the folder where the system is installed; usually it is C:\Windows

Developer Debug Information

If you need help fixing the bugs, please do not hesitate to contact us:

If you want to report a security issue, include the word "security" in the subject line.

We take security issues very seriously and we'll be looking forward to hearing from you. Still, we hope you enjoy using KeyChain and the integration goes smooth!